The material in this section as well as in the section on “recent writings” should convey a sense of the scope of my scholarly work. In this section you will find a description of my research interests, and in an adjacent section you will find a description of my doctoral research group. Here I offer a description of my current research and writing projects in psychosis and schizophrenia, in intergenerational trauma, and in the study of childhood.
Downloadable copies of some recent writings may be found under “Samples of recent writings” in the “My recent Writings” area of the website. I will send electronic copies of any other available publications on request and I welcome inquiries and opportunities for collaboration.
Complete details of all of my publications, professional presentations, keynote speeches, and involvement in professional organizations may be found by clicking on my faculty profile.
Please click on “Doctoral Research Group” for information on clinical and research activities of current and recent doctoral students, including dissertation titles, current research and clinical activities, presentations and publications etc.