Child & Adolescent Practice

My child & adolescent therapy practice


In my child and adolescent  practice I generally see children from age 2.5 years upwards, as well as adolescents, and I specialize in children and adolescents  with emotional regulation difficulties. This includes children and adolescents with attachment difficulties [including reactive attachment disorder], anxiety including OCD, anger and behavioral issues including what is often called oppositional defiant disorder, depression, self-esteem issues, sadness, school refusal, early trauma including sexual trauma, peer difficulties, school adjustment etc. I also see children and adolescents with autistic spectrum disorders and various kinds of developmental delays, as well as thsoe who may be experiencing psychosis. I have experience with LGBTQ, and with children and adolescents exploring gender transitions.


My approach to working with children and adolescents is to create an anxiety-free and indeed pleasurable experience in therapy so that the child or adolescent can let go their burdens and allow their own inner desire to emerge. I work collaterally with parents, and if necessary with teachers, to help make adjustments to the child’s environment so that the child can function optimally. I also make referrals to and work with pediatric psychiatrists as needed.  For parents unsure what kind of assistance their child or adolescent might need, I am always willing to chat on the phone to assist in that decision, and many of the parents of existing and past patients are willing to speak with people considering bringing their child or adolescent  to see me for therapy to assist them in making that decision.


Resources for families

Many parents find Haim Ginott’s book Between parent and child helpful in developing a sensitive approach to parenting. Alice Miller’s book The drama of the gifted child: The search for the true self is a book that some people find useful in understanding how people pass on negative child-rearing habits to their children.


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