Psychiatric Rights Issues

IMAG0644I have a strong interest in the psychiatric rights movement, and the rights of persons with psychiatric disabilities to determine their future and find a place for themselves in society without the burden of stigma.

Some information on psychiatric rights and issues pertaining to electroschock therapy, the over-medication of psychiatrically disabled persons, the pathologization and biologization of psychiatric disability, the problematic nature of DSM diagnoses etc. can be found in the teaching and research sections of this website, and in my own writings and podcast..

In the “My research and scholarly projects” section you will find details of two collaborative field projects on psychosis that I am conducting with my colleague Marilyn Charles of Austen Riggs Center. My research team has completed a book, Lives interrupted: Psychiatric Narratives of Struggle and Resilience. It was released in July 2019.

In the “About my teaching” section of the website you may download recent doctoral syllabi on psychosis and trauma, as well as bibliographies on psychosis, and on adult and child trauma.


Following are web links to a sampling of the many organizations and websites that are active around issues of critical psychiatry and psychiatric rights:

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